Saturday, October 16, 2010

Autumn Burst Pumpkin Pie Face Masque

I hope all of my fellow students enjoyed their Fall Break! As for me, it's back to Philadelphia tomorrow and although break has gone by too fast, I did get to enjoy my share of pumpkin ice cream (which tasted like pumpkin pie) and homemade chocolate chip pumpkin cookies! All of these pumpkin treats were inspired by the Pumpkin Pie Face Masque!! And it really is as easy as pie!

Pumpkin Pie Face Masque
-from the Sagestone Spa at Red Mountain Resort (as seen on

2 teaspoons canned pumpkin purée
1/2 teaspoon honey
1/4 teaspoon milk or soy milk
*a squirt of Aveda's Intensive Hydrating Masque or pure aloe vera gel if you have really dry skin (I added this once I got in the shower and put the masque on)

The pumpkin

The honey

Pouring the honey (the action shot)

The milk

Mix together all the ingredients in a small bowl or cup and apply to clean (but dry) skin. Rinse off after about 10 to 15 minutes.

All ready to be mixed

The final product

I used this while in the shower and kept it on for about 8 minutes, but on days when I'm not pressed for time, I would definitely keep this on for the full 10-15.

Pumpkin enzymes are great because they get rid of dull and dead skin cells and help make your skin glow! It's also full of vitamins A and C, and Zinc, which all help to protect and heal your skin. Pumpkin is good for you both inside and out!

Have a great end of Fall Break (or beginning of it for some!) and for those of you pour souls who don't get a Fall Break, my thoughts are with you :)

Stay tuned for a great Autumn Sugar Scrub!!


  1. I can't wait to try this! I've been doing a honey and cinnamon face mask that has done wonders for my skin.

  2. I hope you enjoyed it, Laura Ellen!
